> Pour plus d’informations sur les conditions matérielles requises, reportez-vous à <a href="lync-server-2013-server-hardware-platforms.md">Plateformes ...
本节指导您完成安装 Lync Server 2013 以及为 Standard Edition Server 和 前端池设置服务器角色的过程,其中包括 前端服务器和与 ...
Microsoft Teams replaced Lync, and it has all the features of Lync plus powerful capabilities that make it easier to connect, share, and collaborate across devices and locations. It’s part of most ...
Microsoft Teams replaced Lync, and it has all the features of Lync plus powerful capabilities that make it easier to connect, share, and collaborate across devices and locations. It’s part of most ...
Previously Office Communications Server (OCS), which evolved from Live Communications Server, Lync Server uses the address books maintained by Microsoft Exchange Server. Microsoft Lync is the ...