動画ニュース| 今週(2024年12/20~12/26)のYouTubeチャートTOP100の週間総視聴回数は先週比で4.0%増、TOP100の初登場作は6作(先週は7作)となった。 1位(先週2位)はBLACKPINKのメインボーカル・ロゼがブルー ...
Redfoo of LMFAO and Zumba are spreading a 'sexy' reminder for people about the importance of confidence and fun in fitness.
The exercise hadn't started, but I was already sweating. I was waiting nervously at the back of the 30 or so people at Body Positive Dance Fitness in Portland. Lucy Sullivan hit play, and "Take Me or ...
Catch the dancing flash mob that surprised Main Street trick-or-treaters on Halloween? Or the choreographed moves the ladies ...